July 13, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 13, 2021Categories 201520151403SlavePigOnTheFloor14 March 2015 Yes, those are cigarette ashes in Slave Pig’s mouth. Her tongue was used as an ashtray but that was the least of the […]
July 13, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 13, 2021Categories 201520152203SlaveCowCuntTortureExtreme22 March 2015 As difficult as this might be to believe, Slave Cow had multiple orgasms during this ordeal. While the slut’s cow cunt was literally […]
July 13, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 13, 2021Categories 201520152903SlaveWenchSmashedUdders29 March 2015 Those udders of Slave Wench just cry out to suffer don’t you think? Sometimes they just have to be punished, like today, when […]
July 13, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 13, 2021Categories 201520150504RuntTheCuntBleedingEasterCunt5 April 2015 This may be one of the most intense sessions ever in HELL! Runt the Cunt celebrates a very special tradition here in HELL! […]
July 13, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 13, 2021Categories 201520151304ThePigParrotPerchExtreme13 April You have seen the Parrot Perch used in HELL! before, but NEVER like this. We love this form of torture because merely being the […]
July 12, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 12, 2021Categories 201520152204SlaveCowBloodyNeedles22 April 2015 Once again Slave Cow finds herself in a predicament. In this case, she is on a perch, her udders are crushed into place […]
July 12, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 12, 2021Categories 202220152904SlaveWenchDrippingHotWax29 April 2015 Slave Wench strapped to a table –the frame of a table actually, no table top. That was just to ensure she was as […]
July 12, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 12, 2021Categories 201520150505FayeStarrBullWhippedBitch5 May 2015 Faye Starr back in HELL! and suffering. In this session, the little cunt is bullwhipped, front and back. But she is having a […]
July 12, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on July 12, 2021Categories 201520151305SlavePigPrisonStrap13 May 2015 The prison strip is evil, at least that is what its victims claim. It is brutal, in-yielding and diabolical, not the least of […]