June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920191210SlaveCowBloodyFeet12 October 2019 Slave Cow says having her feet tortured, beaten, pierced, made to bleed is the most frightening thing in the world do her. She […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920190410NothingWhatTheFuckWereYouThinkingAbout4 October 2019 Go figure this, a bitch knows it is coming to HELL!, where, without a doubt, it is going to suffer some of the […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920192709FilthSkeweredBullWhippedDestroyed27 September 2019 Once upon a time there was a piece of shit named Filth. Filth told people she would never let her tits be skewered. […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 202120192109LuluSparkleFilthyFilthyPig21 September 2019 Lulu Sparkle is a pig, no question about it. But in all honesty, we had no idea just what a filthy, disgusting, piece-of-shit […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920191309GreyhoundBrokenOnTheBarrel13 September 2019 Greyhound is back in HELL! and suffering as only she can. Right up front let us say, this was one of the most […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920190509CupcakeSinclairShavedAndStapled5 September 2019 Cupcake SinClair at the The BondageLife.com Ranch with Rachel Greyhound and things are about to change for Cupcake. She is about to lose […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920192908FilthHereticsForkDestruction29 August 2019 It is hard to know where to begin with this. Filth is low, as we know. She believes her true worth lies is […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920192208ConoDungeonTorture22 August 2019 By now we all know Cono is a filthy piece of meat, a dirty cunt who will do pretty much anything she is […]
June 4, 2021Published by BrutalsFilth on June 4, 2021Categories 201920191408GreyhoundAHotDayAtTheRanch14 August 2019 Hot does not even begin to describe the day. The sun was beating down, the mercury was rising and it was becoming steamy […]